The legal analogy in the application of visit regulation to pets after divorce or dissolution of a stable union


  • Adriano Fernandes Ferreira Universidade Federal do Amazonas, Manaus, AM, Brasil



Animal Law, Right of Visit, Custody of Animals


This article intends to analyze the institute of analogical interpretation applied to the regulation of the right of visits to domestic animals after separation, taking into consideration the position of the Superior Tribunal de Justiça, which in an decision on the matter, in the judgment of the REsp 1.797.175 / SP, attributed dignity and rights to non- human animals and nature, which also implies the recognition of their legal status as subjects of rights, as well as the Bill of the House n.º 27, 2018, which provides for the application of the sui generis nature to them. Divorce causes disturbances between the couple, children and other family members, including pets. The analogy used in the dispute about how to deal with pets in divorce and dissolutions is with the custodial and visiting regulation institute, which, although created for the protection of minor children, is appropriate because It defines issues such as the living, food and maintenance of the disabled, which are very similar to domestic animals. After an analysis of case law and bills, it is possible to see a movement towards the pacification of the pet custody situation when the separation of their guardians occurs.

Author Biography

Adriano Fernandes Ferreira, Universidade Federal do Amazonas, Manaus, AM, Brasil

Pós-Doutor em Direito pela Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, na Espanha (2019). Doutor em Ciências Jurídicas pela Universidad Castilha la Mancha, na Espanha (2014). Mestre em Direito pela Universidade Gama Filho (2005). Graduado em Direito pelo Centro Universitário de Maringá (2001). Coordenador do Programa de Mestrado da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Federal do Amazonas.


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How to Cite

Ferreira, A. F. . (2020). The legal analogy in the application of visit regulation to pets after divorce or dissolution of a stable union. Revista Do Instituto De Direito Constitucional E Cidadania, 5(2), e002.