Constitution and criminal proceedings
the accusatory system and the interdependence of the principles of due process of law, the contradictory and the broad defense
Federal Constitution, Procedural Systems, Criminal Constitutional PrinciplesAbstract
In this article, through the bibliographic and descriptive method, with consultations in works related to the theme, we aim to present reflections on the interconnection between the accusatory criminal system and the constitutional principles of due process, contradictory and broad defense. Procedural systems and criminal procedural principles with emphasis on the Federal Constitution guarantee the Democratic State of Rights in which the subject accused of committing a criminal offense has the right to be judged with constitutional guarantees that validate the application of the penalty and the entire process. The validity of an accusatory criminal system without remnants of the inquisitory, as it seems appropriate to us due to the Democratic and Social State of Law, of the Constitutional State, encounters resistance by a significant portion of the judiciary, even in the preview of the provision in the constitutional text and in the infraconstitutional of norms and principles related to the right of defense, due process and guarantees of the execution of the sentence, also indispensable to the perfect protection of individual rights (Art. 5, LIII to LXVIII and XLVIII to L) and, above all, the impartiality of the magistrate and the separation of functions: prosecution, defence and judgment.
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