The Remote education in times of the Covid-19 pandemic
a representational analysis
Health, Class, Teaching, Learning, RepresentationAbstract
This article has as its main theme the social representation of students, teachers and other randomly chosen subjects, in relation to remote education promoted in times of the Covid-19 pandemic. The objective was to verify the individual thinking, within a certain collectivity regarding the proposed subject. The development of the text had two parts, the first the theoretical part, which sought to outline the concept of education, the difference between remote classroom and EAD (Distance Learning) and finally the concept of the theory of social representation, used by the social Psychology. The second part was the discussion of the results, which were treated in the Iramuteq Software. For data collection, 108 questionnaires were passed, with two evocation questions, the first with the inducing term “Education and pandemic” and the second “Remote Class and learning”. The first evocation was analyzed by the frequency of words and generated the main vernaculars “Apreensiva”, “Medo”, “Tiring” and “Upset”. Although they were not the most mentioned, there is an interconnection of them with the most repeated, including difficulty and the internet, which shows that the research subjects saw this way of study with apprehension and fear, given the difficulty of accessing new information. technologies. This led to tiredness and boredom. The second question was addressed in the similarity analysis, which generated a maximum tree, having central words “Effort”, “Study”, “difficulty” and “Internet”. Once again the expression difficulty appears, that is, it took a great effort to study using the internet and other computer programs.
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