Effects Of The Decay Of The Public Sphere
Emptying of the public sphere, Fundamental rights, Democracy, CitizenshipAbstract
We start from the hypothesis thatthe public sphere isolation is responsible for strengthening the bonds of the community to allowing the creation of a common and restricted identity in detriment of the search for general common interests. Therefore, the concretization of Democracy is impossible, since for its occurrence is necessary that there is an intersubjective contact between the different social actors. When valuing the small atomized group, the exercise of Citizenship and the consummation of Fundamental Rights, essential characteristic of the Democratic State of Right, is limited. This rights, as well as Citizenship, require a collective effort of people aware of their belonging to society, be capable to acting in search of the common good and justice. This study discussed deals with the topic through a bibliographical debate with application of the deductive method, based mainly on the works of Hannah Arendt, Richard Sennett and Norberto Bobbio, and aims to uncovering the impacts of the emptying of the public sphere in the regime fundamental rights.
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