74 years of Universal Declaration of Human Rights and your reflex in the Constitution of the Brazilian’s Federative Republic of 1988





Human rights, Universal Human Rights Declaration, Federal Constitution, Fundamental rights and guarantees


In December, 10, 1848, the Universal Human Rights Declaration was created by the United Nations General Assembly, and became known as one of the most important historic marks about the value of human dignity, so this scientific research has the main objective how that solemn document has been used currently as a collective coexistence template, and like a structural prism for the Constitution of the Brazilian’s Federative Republic of 1998, and also for the laws of the national legal order. The vital point about the human rights like a kind of law origin will be demonstrate with juridical science books about the theme in discussion. This research will be finish with de demonstration of the Universal Human Rights presence in the our phatic world e its presence in the national normative spectrum.

Author Biography

Raphael Haidar Gomes, Universidade Anhanguera de São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brasil

Bacharel em Direito – UNIAN; Especialista em Direito Público – UNESA; Especialista em Direito Educacional – UCAM.


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How to Cite

Gomes, R. H. (2023). 74 years of Universal Declaration of Human Rights and your reflex in the Constitution of the Brazilian’s Federative Republic of 1988. Revista Do Instituto De Direito Constitucional E Cidadania, 7(1), e048. https://doi.org/10.48159/revistadoidcc.v7n1.e048