The use of Bitcoin as a tool to guarantee fundamental rights
Bitcoin, Human Rights, Financial SystemAbstract
This work aims to qualitatively approach the developments of Bitcoin from the perspective of human rights, from the bibliographic analysis of the main and most recent books, scientific articles and electronic magazine portals about this new digital financial system. It appears that, as a means of enforcing fundamental guarantees, the program has been providing the common citizen with privacy and a certain autonomy, especially for those who live in dictatorial regimes, because the value of their savings is constantly reduced due to the decisions of corrupt government officials. In this scenario, Bitcoin technology has been an escape against the state monopoly and the banking centralization of money, thus consolidating the gradual formation of an egalitarian global financial arrangement.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Patrícia Verônica Nunes Carvalho Sobral de Souza, Talita Lauren do Rosário Santos

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