The extent of minimum social rights to minorities and vulnerable groups
between the prohibition of regression, multilevel and meta standards of public spending
Social rights, Economic rights, Public dispenses, Social minorities, Public policiesAbstract
Before the imposition of targets for public spending, the present study aims to analyze how these limits affect directly the creation, in addition to the maintenance of social guarantees present in the Social and democratic State of law, covering mainly the social economic rights in order to understand the problems highlighted. To this end, preliminary character, will be addressed to the formation of neoconstitucionalismo, highlighting its key
features, and how he is present at present brazilian. That said, will be discorridos as economic rights are present in the Federal Constitution of 1988, analyzing the relationship between social rights and the brazilian economic order and as your relationship may benefit or affect the program guarantees the democratic State. Later, will be evidenced, government spending beyond the budget law in order to understand if these changes affect or not directly
to guardianship, demonstrating the legislative amendment and its main transformations in current scenario social. Finally, analyzing the current situation of social rights and the postmodern liquidity of these headings, will be highlighted the principle of prohibition of the social backlash as a guarantee of solidification of existing rights, preventing social achievements expire, besides giving legal certainty to social minorities and vulnerable groups who need such guardianship in the quest for social equity, thus ensuring the rights which the Social and democratic State firm.
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