A Social representation of law students and professionals in the legal area from the perspective of legal education in Brazil
representation, right, bachelor, searchAbstract
This theme sought to study the Social Representation of Law Students and professionals working in the legal area, in an analysis of legal education in Brazil. The issue raised was based on the evolution and representational system of the interviewees, given the reality of bachelor's degree courses today. He did a bibliographical research, which presented the evolution of the teaching of Law in the world, mainly in Europe and Brazil. In a second moment analyzed the theory of social psychology, concept and historical approach. Finally, it was based on the discussion of the results, collected in the field research, in which 108 subjects participated, divided between academics, professors and jurists. The answers were treated in the Iramuteq software, reaching the possible central nucleus that refers to formalism, law, justice and to be a bachelor. In a detailed analysis, it was concluded that the people interviewed represent legal education in Brazil with a formal course, in which only laws are taught. But at the same time, for those who seek justice, it is necessary to take it to become a bachelor. It is through the exercise of the profession that the judiciary will be brought into action, in search of what is fair.
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